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Pi day and my Little girls • Idaho Falls Children's photographer

It's pi day! 3.14! So, we started a new tradition of eating pie on pie day. I got the idea from my friend Emily Dixon who has a fabulous recipe blog. Today I tried her apple pie and peach pie and they were awesome.I took pictures before they were baked just in case i burned them. ;)

This morning when Emma got up she was so excited to tell me that she had made her own bed all by herself! I didn't even have to ask! Lucky me. She was so cute about it that I had to get some pictures. Kate now has a tooth well 2 as of today and is STANDING UP on her own so I got pictures. :) Seeing my little girls this happy makes being a mommy amazing. I love my little girls!


Midlife Midwife said...

I love the pictures. Way to grow up girls!!

Jana said...

Oh, my word! You just made my whole day!!! :)

emily said...

WOW, those pies are beautiful. Nothing tops those cute girls, though. Love the pictures!