
{ Welcome to our blog. :) We hope that you will read, enjoy, comment, and keep coming back. We love our readers ;) }


I have been doing a lot of debating lately about which blog I should keep and which one I should give the boot. I decided that I like my old blog better for a few different reasons the biggest being that I miss being in the blogger world. I switched to wordpress and fell off the face of the earth it seemed. Now, I am back to blogging under the old blog. I believe it will be another change for the better. I can't wait to keep in contact with my readers again. Comment on this blog and we can all have a little more blog love as I make an effort to follow more of your blogs. Here is a pic to go along with my post. I have missed you all.


Maria Nissen said...

Ahh, there you are! This is MUCH improved. I love it. Good move. Every little thing about it is very nice. It's femanine (reflecting the Jo, of PHotography by Jo) and looks fresh and will showcase your images. I have wanted to change my blog a little, too. You have inspired me to do it. Blogger has made it sooooo much easier to blog. REmember when we had to go into html to post photos from Photobucket?? Yuck! So, welcome back. Missed you.

Minnette said...

Yeah, welcome back! Love what you've done to the place ;)

George said...

Glad you are back. I missed this blog.

George said...

Oh and I love the picture.

Midlife Midwife said...

Yeah! this is so much easier to comment on. :-)

Jana said...

Love it!!! Welcome back. I am excited to stare in amazement at your pictures again.