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More pics from our vacation

Here are just a couple from our trip.... I have so many more but thought I would just post a couple highlights,
Going to the park (Emma LOVES slides)

My New Nephew Isaac! He is only 4 weeks old, definitely looks a lot older though.
On the way home from Portland we stopped in Coeur d'Alene and stayed the night in a Hotel. It was our first time having a real family vacation and to have one night in a hotel with just our little family was sweet bliss. After the trip Emma has now decided that she is officially ready for a big girl bed. I'm so very proud :)

The following day we only had a few hours to spend enjoying the town. We found the PERFECT park! Emma loved it and so did we! Why can't all parks be built strong enough for us grown ups too! You would have to see this park! It Is like a giant maze (well kind of) Whoever designed it is my hero! If I were still a kid this park would be a dream come true! Forget Disney land! (this park is free, one more added bonus...)

We then went to a family fun place (whatever they call them) and played in the arcade. We almost went miniature golfing but Emma was more interested in this (plus the kids arcades where only a quarter :)

We are happy to be home but I sure wish vacations were longer!


Bravo Bentley said...

how awesome!!!! so glad you guys had such a fun trip and way to go emma on the big girl bed!!!!!!!

Maria Nissen said...

I was worried that you were only going to post like 2 or 3 photos with your intro to this post. I remember those footed jammies with my kids. I always had to cut the feet off, because they could stand them covering their feet. Emma is growing up. That IS an awesome park. And you are welcome to post as many photos as you want! :-)

Bowman Family said...

I miss you guys so much! Emma is SO adorable... especially in that huge bed. Isn't it nice when they decide they want a big bed?

Whitney said...

Your photos are amazing, and I can't believe how big you daughter. I remember when you were in my parents ward and she was just a baby. How fun!