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Take me out to the ball game!

On our list of things to do before leaving for Idaho was to go to a cubs spring training game. You would think that with living less than a mile a way from the stadium (for 15+years) one of us would have gone to a game but nope.
Jeremy's mom has been sick and was in the hospital the past few days with a Kidney infection so for the last week I have been watching Jeremy's little brother during the day. His little brother LOVES baseball so it was fun seeing him get excited. It was right during his nap time and he was laying in bed ready for his nap but when I said baseball game he jumped up with a big yes! It was fun. EmmaLee enjoyed it too (I was surprised). They both had fun watching to see where the ball would go and finding airplanes in the sky. Those two were so stinkin cute together. :) We got asked if they were twins and I definately know why! They look so much alike!
Our tickets where 4 rows behind the batter! How is that for $10 tickets! We were 25min. late so we got some tickets a scalper wasn't going to be able to sell (we also had to talk him down). :) That made Jeremy happy.


Jonathan and Sarah said...


Cajsa said...

That looks like so much fun! I havet been to see the cubs in sooo long! Dale and I have been talking about going! This just makes me want to go even more! ha ha Those seats are awesome!

Cheryl said...

wow, carson looks so much like all of his brothers in that picture of him! and emma is just a doll. i can never tell if she looks more like you or jeremy.

Maria Nissen said...

I've never done that either. I think I might enjoy baseball with seats like you had. Time is going too fast. I can't believe you're moving. :-I

emily said...

It is uncanny how much you and Emma look alike. I have a secret wish that I'll have a daughter first and that she'll have some resemblance (but maybe with Michael's coloring. It's so dreamy).

Fun pictures!