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Poor kiddo

Our Emma was out playing with her friend Brig the other day and Brig took a little fall in the mud. I felt bad for him but not bad enough that I was going to clean him off before getting some pictures!


Cheryl said...

he has such beautiful eyes! those will sure be great memory pics for his mom!

Mandy Hank said...

Thank Goodness it wasn't poop! Poor thing- what a mess. :)

Kelli Stuart said...

oh goodness - those blue eyes in the last picture make me melt!

Missy said...

He looks so confused! What cute pictures those, he's got beautiful eyes.

Midlife Midwife said...

wow, you can even make mud look beautiful. Good job Jo.

Omega said...

Poor kid. Nice capture of the moments in our lives.

Maria Nissen said...

You captured it beautifully. You're great at this.

Nancy Face said...

FABULOUS shots! I just love his concerned little expressions! :)