I'm excited, happy, and sad to say that we will be moving April 3 to Rexburg, Idaho. Here are some drastic changes that we will be coming our way!
Here in Arizona:
Here in Arizona:
- We live in an apartment right on the corner of two busy roads. The view from every window in our house: the two busy roads, Walmart, and Chevron
- HOT HOT HOT (you couldn't live without air conditioning)
- big city
- A drive of over an hour to get to hunting and fishing
- Shared walls with neighbors
- No land whatsoever to plant a garden on.
- jobs with a decent income
In Idaho:
- We will be living in a house. The view from the windows in our home will be: cows, farm, trees, and green grass (or snow)
- COLD COLD COLD (You couldn't live without a heater... I have a feeling I will be wearing a sweater in the middle of the summer!)
- Small town (mostly all college students)
- Hunting and fishing just a mile away
- Our closest neighbors will be the cows on the farm.
- A 40 acre farm with plenty of room for a garden. (We will only be using a small portion)
- no jobs (yet... and living off savings until then)
It's all going to be a leap of faith! It's hard to think that it's only 24 days away. I'm excited for the learning experience it will be. I'm nervous but I think it will be worth it. I'll be back for session in Arizona often and back for weddings so stay with me ;)
Here are some pictures of the place we will be renting. We haven't actually seen it in person but I have a cousin who lives there who was kind enough to take some pictures for me. :)
I can't wait to see this tree in the summer!

The back porch.

They are wanting to put siding and a new roof on it in the summer. :)

Once again it's going to be beautiful in the summer.

Here are some pictures of the place we will be renting. We haven't actually seen it in person but I have a cousin who lives there who was kind enough to take some pictures for me. :)
I can't wait to see this tree in the summer!

The back porch.

They are wanting to put siding and a new roof on it in the summer. :)

Once again it's going to be beautiful in the summer.

looks so fun and exciting jo jo!! i miss you already! and am so so so sad that you will be gone before i get back to visit in april! ugh
Ooooh, sounds like a really hard change BUT you'll have a lot of fun! We live in Rexburg right now and are getting ready leave in April. I didn't want to come here but now I don't want to leave.
The winters are bitter and evil, yes (think of all the pictures though!) but the summers are sweltering hot. I'm not sure how it'll compare to Arizona, I've only been there once and for a little Scottish girl, well, I never want to go back. Too hot! But, anyway, it will be hard but you'll enjoy it. :)
That look super cold to me-:) Good luck with the move and I wish you and your family lots of well wishes! I'll miss you :(
Awe, Rexburg that holds some sweet memories for me. Thats where I met my husband and learned all about photography! I hope that you love it while your there. Your photo business will be busy with all of the engagement photos and weddings LOL! We will be neighbors, I'm in Utah. Next timr I go to rexburg I'll look you up. I would love for you to do a shoot of my family :)
I can't believe you are moving! I was just going to ask if you would take pictures of Ted and I...
Oh my gosh! I am so excited for your adventure!! Good luck with everything and I will definitely be checking your blog still.
I am very excited for you, but sad that we can't be walking buddies for much longer:( I can't wait to see pictures once you are up there. It will be so fun to live in a totally different place with seasons and cows etc.
The trade offs sound pretty good to me. I can't wait to see your place in the summer. I have a feeling you're going to love it.
The trade offs sound pretty good to me. I can't wait to see your place in the summer. I have a feeling you're going to love it.
its complete opposite of me, haha man, where life takes us. i know you are gonna love it there. that house screams your name. i miss you already after my move, but i am sure you are gonna have the greatest adventures there. love you girl
That looks cold!!! It looks like you have a great place:) Good luck!!
Congrats! We are moving too, but to Cali. i guess change is just in the air for a lot of us right now. I can completely relate to the shock and strange feelings surrounding the concept of leaving the familiar. :) I wish us luck!
SO ENVIOUS. Enjoy it there, though (I'm pretty sure you will!). Enjoy the weather extra, for me. :)
Ok you forgot to put something that is here in AZ. Your sister in law that is really going to miss you!! Good thing we can still talk on the phone whenever we want. And I guess we will actually be closer to you in a few months when we move to Oregon. LOVE YOU!
We're so excited for you guys! I know you'll miss what you leave behind, but you'll grow so much more and meet more really nice people. We just took our "leap of faith" last August and are still leaping, but it's all in the right direction. What an adventure!
NOOOOOOOO!!!! :( I'm so super sad right now! I hope your photography business still does well up there so I can see more of your amazing work! I wish you guys the VERY best!
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