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First Hair cut

Recently Emma has been waking up with a huge rats nest on the back of her head so I decided it was time to cut off some of that baby hair. Jeremy's little brother was also over so I gave him a little cut too. Since both kids were pretty wiggly they probably didn't get the best hair cuts. They sat still for a couple min. but then I ended up following them around the house to get the rest cut. I just had to vacuum after. My neighbor was over and had fun getting some pics.
Here they are after haircuts and baths.


Bravo Bentley said...

hahahaha soooooo cute!!!!

Maria Nissen said...

Turned out pretty good! It takes a lot of talent to be able to cut hair on the run. I've used lollipops as a distraction, kind of gross with the hair on it, but my niece doesn't seem to mind, at least in the beginning.
Going to PUG on Thursday??

Jonathan and Sarah said...

You are so brave! I'm kinda glad that I'm having a boy... I won't be as nervous if I mess up.

Camille Elise said...

Ah! You're such a good mom! Lucky Emma!

Missy said...

Maybe I should just have you give my girls hair cuts. You did a great job, especially considering their inability to sit still for very long:)