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Matt and Jo (part 1)

Here is part one of Matt and Jo's engagement pictures. It was raining so we decided to do half in the rain and finish up on another day. I'll be you never thought you would meet another girl that goes by the name of Jo.... Well turns out Jo is going to be my sister-in-law! I'm excited. Here are some of my faves.


Jana said...

Those pictures are so great! They look like a happy couple. So, is she shorter than you? How fun to have two Jos in the family.

Maria Nissen said...

These are great, Jo! Lucky them!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that's Jeremy's brother, then? How funny two brothers would marry "Jo"s. hahaha

Kelli Stuart said...

That's really funny you dreamed about me when we've never actually met! Are you close to Phoenix? My brother-in-law and family live there and if we ever are there visiting we should do lunch!
P.S. My grandma's name is Jo Nell, but she actually goes by Jo Nell so I don't know if that counts...
I like Jo, though, because it reminds me of Little Women which is one of my all-time favorite books!