the colors are simply marvelous! You have the sweetest little model! I can't tank you enough for your post about making images appear larger on blogs. THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Jo, I want to blog about your new site and I was wondering if you'd mind if I added one or two of the pictures from your blog to my post (I was thinking one Emma Lee in curlers and maybe another)? You can leave a comment or email my blog email address:
Bahaaaa- so cute- where's the picture afterwards with all the curls?
So precious;) I can't believe she let you put those in her hair! I'm luck to get one rubberband in my girls hair.
I LOVE these pictures. You are really fantastic. I LOVE it!
the colors are simply marvelous! You have the sweetest little model! I can't tank you enough for your post about making images appear larger on blogs. THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Jo, I want to blog about your new site and I was wondering if you'd mind if I added one or two of the pictures from your blog to my post (I was thinking one Emma Lee in curlers and maybe another)? You can leave a comment or email my blog email address:
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