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When I make a to-do-list it is typically long. However, at the end of the day a "Ta Da!" list should be made. Someone suggested this to me and I love the idea. This is day one.

Finish Washing Laundry 
Take kids to school
go to dance class
go to parenting class

"Ta Da" list:
Washed laundry and folded it (not put away)
Got out of my pajamas
took kids to school and was not late
Babysat 2 extra kids
Emptied half of the dish washer
Worked hard in dance class
Went to parenting class and actively participated in the conversations
voted (and ate some chocolate after)
worked on some newborn pictures for you to enjoy :)




Jana said...

Those pictures are SO perfect! And I love your TA-DA list. I think it is a brilliant idea.