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I wish that I could say I had all my goals for 2009 made up ahead of time but I'm just now getting around to them. I was going to make a new list but instead I decided to update and revise the one that i had. So, here it is my updated list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. I changed some of them because either they are impossible to accomplish or my needs have changed. I hope I can get most of these done this year!

101 things to do in 1001 days (To be completed Wednesday, January 26, 2011)

1. Make a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days (completed April 2008)
2. Make a photography website or have one made (completed December 2008)
3. Have a trash the dress session
4. Buy a house Move out of state
5. Have another baby
6. Sign on with Pictage or another great company (completed June 2008) (I decided not to use pictage anymore though…)
7. Go to a pug meeting (completed October 2008)
8. Figure out how to make my pictures big on my blog (completed May 2008)
9. Loose 10 lbs
10. Go on a cruise. Just my Hubby and I. (or another nice vacation… not sure if this will be possible)
11. Take pictures of the place I was married and make a canvas print
12. Take a business class
13. Take 3 photography classes at the college
14. Take 3 photoshop classes at the college
15. Make a scrapbook of my Emma's first year
16. Go to lunch with a friend Once a month for a year
17. Go to bed at 9 every weeknight for a month
18. Draw a picture once a month for a year
19. Take a drawing class
20. Learn to play a song on the piano all the way through without stopping
21. Sing in church
22. Plant a garden
23. Buy a new computer for JUST my photography (completed August 2008)
24. Form an LLC (completed June 2008)
25. Buy a Canon 5d
26. Take a public speaking class
27. Take photos for my Aunt's family
28. Exercise faithfully 3 times a week for 3 months
29. Make a quilt
30. Make Business Cards
31. Have a photo shoot once a week for 6 months
32. Plan my daughter's 1 year birthday party (completed august 2008)
33. Eat an entire little caesars pizza by myself
34. Attend 2 photography workshops
35. Read a book a month for 6 months
36. Find a simple video making program be ready for the day by 8am every morning for a month… I like my pjs…
37. Find songs for my website (completed December 2008)
38. Make Slide show of China
39. Get my hair done (completed 2008)
40. Find 5 different photographers that will let me do a photo shoot along with them
41. Organize my house so that EVERYTHING has a place
42. Keep my house clean for 6 months straight. lets see if I can actually get this one...
43. Do something fun with my family every week for a year
44. Write in my daughter's journal every week for a year. I've already done it for 8 months. (Completed August 2008)
45. Visit my grandma in Clay Springs (completed 2008)
46. Walk the three day for breast cancer Every month for a year come up with a list of three things I’m thankful for.
47. Take a dance class
48. Take my daughter swimming (completed May 2008)
49. Design a new Logo for my photography (completed May 2008)
50. Teach Emma sign language
51. Take a day just for me and relax
52. Buy a 15mm fish eye lens
53. Potty train Emma
54. Photograph my own family using the self-timer just for fun
55. Buy a hair light for my studio Do something special for my husband everyday for 2 weeks
56. Baby proof my home
57. Try sushi again. Maybe I'll like it the second time.
58. Sleep for 8 hours straight.
59. Wear a watch every day for a month. I hate looking at my cell phone for the time but also hate wearing a watch.
60. Buy a 50mm lens (completed May 2008)
61. Develop a work flow that really works for me.
62. Make Christmas cards and send them to everyone. (completed December 2008)
63. Do a photo shoot underwater.
64. Learn to play the game rook
65. Beat my husband at monopoly (completed July 2008)
66. Buy a telephoto lens (completed October 2008)
67. Do 5 mini photo sessions in one day
68. Find some fun props for my studio Get to know all our new neighbors after we move
69. Take my parents out to dinner
70. Be a part of some kind of group
71. Take my daughter fishing (completed July 2008)
72. Learn to make crapes
73. Find a program to copy dvds stretch everyday for 3 months to try and get back some flexibility
74. Take a vacation with my family
75. Buy a wacom tablet do a destination wedding
76. Master the pen tool in photoshop
77. Make a fairytale collage from photos I've taken for two of my favorite little girls in the world.(completed May 2008)
78. Make up a song
79. Take lots of pictures of my first niece! (Completed June 2008)
80. Make a portfolio
81. Visit an old family friend. She lives in Queen Creek.
82. Make a new list of 101 things to do in 1001 days when I complete this one
83. Add labels to my photography blog (completed May 2008)
84. Decorate my house. That my husband and I will buy. Put money into my savings account every month for a year and then keep doing it.
85. Learn to cook a turkey
86. Send someone flowers
87. Actually use my jogging stroller to go jogging
88. Go to the cemetery to visit friends and my grandma
89. Go Camping (completed Aug 2008)
90. Go canoing
91. Find my wedding ring
92. Give my husband a back massage once a week for 3 months
93. Spend a day in bed watching movies and eating popcorn (completed January 2009 minus the popcorn)
94. Take my brother's wedding pictures. I'm giving him 1001 days to find a girl and get married. :)
95. Go hiking
96. Identify 100 things that make me happy
97. Cook dinner every night for a month
98. Reduce my worldly possessions by 100 things
99. Take EmmaLee to get a photo shoot at walmart to see what it's like
100. Buy a BBQ take a 10-30 min. walk everyday for 2 months
101. Visit the ocean


Missy said...

You've accomplished so many already! I think that's awesome that you take your goals seriously, I tend to forget mine and then remember later.....

Maria Nissen said...

I've been thinking about this, too. Great list. I can help you with some of your goals. Let's go hike Camelback Mountain before you move! AND attend the NILMDTS workshop. That will help with two of your goals. :-)

Maria Nissen said...

P.S. I LOVE Veggie Tales. I even have their songs on my shuffle. I finished out my run this a.m. with the Cheeseburger song! They are a hidden treasure.

Anonymous said...

Looks great hunny you're so awesome! I'm pretty sure I could find a few more things for you to add to your list...

Toni said...

You have done so good with that list. I don't even remember what I wrote on mine! Ha. Anyways, so I am really glad to hear that you liked that book by Glen Beck. I have been wanting to reading but I thought it sounded kind of corny, but apparently I was wrong. So thanks, I am going to start it as soon as I finish my other million books I'm in the middle of!

Kelly said...

What a fun idea! I think I want to copy it ;)